Pythagorean Theorem

Pythagorean Theorem Proof (Euclid)

Pythagorean Theorem Application Problems

TOPICS: Solutions Pythagoras Problems Solved Exercises Pythagorean Theorem Problems In the previous post we gave you various worked examples about the Pythagorean Theorem where our goal was to calculate one of the sides of a right triangle (hypotenuse or leg) knowing the measurements of the other two sides. Now we’re…

About Pythagorean Theorem

Pythagorean Theorem

The Pythagorean Theorem is one of the great advances in mathematics, a theory developed by Pythagoras and the group who followed him, known as Pythagoreans. The popularity of the Pythagorean Theorem is unmatched and today is considered one of the fundamental formulas in geometry and mathematics in general. The simplicity…

conceptos teorema pitagoras

Pythagorean Theorem: Concept and Uses

TOPICS: Pythagorean Theorem Concepts     Uses of the Pythagorean Theorem   To really understand the Pythagorean Theorem we have to be clear on some concepts. For example, it only applies to right triangles; in other words, triangles that have a right angle. We also have to know what the names given…

cual es el teorema de pitagoras

What is the Pythagorean Theorem?

Among the many mathematical formulas whose discovery drastically changed history, the Pythagorean Theorem is perhaps the most important. And there are historical records which indicate that knowledge of the Pythagorean Theorem existed even before the Christian era. To understand the Pythagorean Theorem, you don’t need to have a high skill…

Demostración del teorema de Pitágoras

Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem

Proving the veracity of the characteristic expression of the Pythagorean Theorem is a task as ancient as the discovery of the theorem itself. Today there are many ways to prove that the Pythagorean Theorem is completely valid, some of which are more famous than others. In this post, we’ll discuss…

En qué consiste el Teorema de Pitágoras

What is the Pythagorean Theorem About?

TOPICS: What Is the Pythagorean Theorem About The study of the Pythagorean Theorem was done thanks to the Pythagorean School, a sect made up of individuals from the 6th century BC with vast knowledge in mathematics, astronomy and philosophy, whose main believe was that everything that surrounds us is related…


Pythagorean Theorem Proofs

The most well-known and widely used proof of the Pythagorean Theorem is the one which relates the areas of the squares that have, as their sides, the two legs and the hypotenuse of the triangle. We have referenced this proof in an older post where we have also provided a…